Art competition with Nicolaus Copernicus theme

The star of the year 2023? It is certainly Nicolaus Copernicus! The year celebrated under the astronomer's patronage revolves around his scientific achievements. The creator of the heliocentric model of the Solar System was also the inspiration for an art competition held at the Światowid European Meetings Centre in Elbląg.

The year 2023 has been established as the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus in connection with the 550th anniversary of the scientist's birth and the 480th anniversary of his death. On this occasion, we would like to invite children and young people to take part in the art competition "Heliocentric image of the world through the eyes of Nicolaus Copernicus". Schools, cultural and educational institutions, art studios, occupational therapy workshops and private individuals can submit artworks which will be any interpretation of the theme. The competition will be held in two age categories:

I category - children from 8 to 11 years old,
II category - teenagers from 12 to 16 years old.

The works can be made in the following techniques: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking or other techniques on a flat hard surface. The format of the works must not be smaller than A4 and bigger than A3.

Each participant may submit only one individual work. Collective works will not be judged. The authors of the best works will be awarded prizes and their works will appear in a post-competition exhibition. Prizes in the competition include book publications, board games and art materials. Commemorative diplomas will be awarded to the winners.

For information about the competition, please contact the coordinator: Yana Nelyn
e-mail address:,
Tel: 55 611 20 85.


The deadline for submitting entries is 31 July 2023. The rules of the competition and the application form are available to download below.


The organiser of the competition is the "Światowid" European Meetings Centre in Elbląg,
Pl. Kazimierza Jagiellończyka 1, 82-300 Elbląg

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  • pdf

    Regulamin i Karta Zgłoszeniowa „Heliocentryczny obraz świata oczami Mikołaja Kopernika”.pdf


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