Painting and drawing workshops for seniors | Active Senior Club

We would like to invite you to another painting and drawing workshop of the "Wednesdays with Art" series at the "Światowid" European Meeting Centre in Elbląg on Wednesday, 5 April. The classes will be held as part of the Active Senior Club.

The workshops are intended for all art lovers. Both for those just beginning their adventure with painting and for the more experienced ones. In the intimate and creative atmosphere, seniors will find the opportunity to exchange experiences with other workshop participants and make new contacts and have many interesting conversations. The aim of our meetings is above all to encourage seniors to develop their passions.

There is a fee for the classes. The fee (PLN 10) includes an easel and materials such as acrylic paints, pencils, brushes and oil pastels.

Seniors are cordially invited to "Wednesdays with Art".


Date: 5 April, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Place: The Painting Studio, CSE "Światowid" in Elbląg

Classes are paid: 10zł. The number of places is limited.

Registration at:

or at phone number: 55 611 20 59

"Światowid", as part of its expanding offer of the Active Senior Club, has also prepared many other interesting activities and workshops for seniors!

Schedule for April:



"Meetings at crochet"

10:00 -12:00, every Monday

Weaving workshop, block C



"Monday board games"

10:00 -12:00, every Monday

Art workshop, block C




18.04.2023 r.

Coaching workshop


Painting studio, block C




19.04.2023 r.

Herb workshop - "In harmony with nature"

10:00 -11:30, a weaving workshop, block C



"Wednesday with art"

05.04.2023 r.

Painting and drawing workshops

10:00 -12:00

painting studio, block C

Paid PLN 10


Shutter - Photography workshops

Paid - PLN 30 per month

12.04.2023 r.

Field activities

17:00 - 20:00, Old Town

26.04.2023 r.

Practical classes

12:00-14:00, CSE "Światowid"


Art workshops - "Creative projects"

12.04.2023 r.

12:00 -14:00, weaving studio, lump C

Paid PLN 10


Paper wicker workshop

19.04.2023 r.

12:00 -14:00, a weaving workshop, block C

26.04.2023 r.

12:00 -14:00, a weaving workshop, block C


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